And a week before the 2009 Canadian Championships I seem to be experiencing the same symptoms. And let me tell you heading to my national trials this is definitely a first!
No disrespect.
I have won 7 previous titles, all hard fought and well earned, but it has always been a meet I struggled to get hype for. After winning the 4th, then 5th, then get my drift?. It becomes routine. I am grateful each time to claim the title but in the past, it was always "the house that Perdita built".
Yet this year is very different, the level of competition is the best it has ever been. And a year off has made me so hungry and thirsty for competition, I'll race anyone, anywhere, anytime.
My last three races have all been to the wire where I was hundredths away from the winner. A sign that I am on the upswing and my training is working well. My plan is just to work hard while focusing on Berlin and patiently wait my turn.
So excited am I, that I have already started packing. Hoping this anticipation will make the days pass faster. After nationals I am heading right to Europe for a few Golden League races for the first time in two years! I have never been this happy to be getting on the road.

And the early onset of Monarchs must just be confirmation that this is what I was born to do.

And the early onset of Monarchs must just be confirmation that this is what I was born to do.