Tuesday, December 7

Re-Discovering Perdita

Just so it's clear there is still no cable or TV action in my life.

How's it going you ask? Pretty good actually, though I spend a lot more time online.  Family Feud on Facebook standup!

I've now settled into a routine and Coach Randy and I are finding our way as coach and pupil. We've been friends for years and I have to say it's been a very easy transition. I appreciate his leadership when we are on the track, and how attentive he is to all the athletes under his watch.

Now anyone who has ever coached me will say a few things about the athlete that I am:

1) I ask a lot of questions--all the time--everyday--even if I probably know the answer.

I'm sure it's annoying, tedious, redundant--the works! But I've always been a very curious pupil. I want to know the purpose of why we do what we do, and why another way is simply not the answer today.

Luckily I've never had a coach with an ego and they have all indulged me. Every single time. But I have to say my new coach must feel like he is having a pop quiz every day. I'm glad he knows me (and has seen this in action with my former coach good old Gdub) and he patiently explains away. That I believe is a sign of a good teacher, and I've been blessed to know a few.

2). I find GREAT joy and pleasure in the teeniest victory. I don't care what it is, or how small the feat seems to be. If I did something that was asked of me, (regardless if all the other parts were crap!) I'll celebrate what I did do right, to the fullest extent of the law my space.

So anytime Coach Randy graces me with any kind of praise or positive reinforcement I dance like it's the second coming. Mainly because I love progress--in ANY form. (Yes. I literally break out in dance or do a Ryu Street Fighter "All You Can!" upper cut in the air). I know he has seen this before when he wasn't my personal coach, but he still looks at me crazy and says: "Hold  on...hold on, you haven't arrived yet!" as he ponders my foolery. To which I say: "But--I'm pulling up in my new whip coach---beep beep". (This action must be mimed out).

Another thing I appreciate in my new environment is it is acknowledged that I do somethings very well. Certain technical elements I do are world class and I could very well be the prototype for them. (OK you got me. No one has EVER said that last part to me, but it's my blog and that's how I'm gonna frame it, OK. So please be a good teacher  reader and indulge me). ;0)

Anyways as a world class athlete there will always be a level that I can reach with basic effort. But it's time for me to expect precision in my reps and have more of a sense of urgency with the time I have left in my career. If I have become subconsciously complacent, when I step into this mans practice such a trance is not welcome. It not an environment where perfection is expected, so much as an athletes passionate belief and respect for their own ability.

I'm learning to challenge myself and while I'm good, I don't just want to be good enough. And that is a decision that the pupil makes (all over again) not the coach.

Hope you can bring some of what I'm discovering to your own venture.
Thanks for reading.


**Also please stop by the new Official Perdita Felicien Facebook Page. This will be another way I'll be updating on what's new in my world!**