Wednesday, September 29


I'm finding all kinds of ways to spend the last fleeting moments of my off season. It is going entirely to fast. This must be how parents feel about their children's childhoods whirling by. Maybe?

I had a meeting yesterday morning in Pickering and was finished early so stopped by "The office" to see my mom. If Cath is not at her government job, her children know exactly where to find her.

Like always she was in her usual spot at the local bingo parlour, ready to dab the afternoon away. I was pleasantly surprised to see my older sister in tow. Bov hates bingo!

What are you doing here?!

But I knew the answer to that. Over the decades we Felicien offspring know it's one of the best places to get mama all to ourself. Grant it, you gotta share her with a legion of dabbers, Beanie Babies and Troll Dolls, but they don't say much.

We were all exited to see each other and my mom urged me to stay. Try your luck Perdeet, you never know...

More than anything I just wanted to be with them, plus she seemed to sense some luck was in the air. Perhaps one of those trolls having a bad hair day decade told her something.

So I stayed. I have to say I haven't played bingo in ages, I was a hot mess, dabbing the wrong boxes and totally behind the call. My sister had to trade cards with me to help me catch up.

But when you're a winner, nothing will hold you back. Not even shear incompetence. I won the $1000 jackpot right out of the gate! Nothing can explain the rush and adrenaline I felt when I shouted "BIIING-GOOOOOO". And did the happy dance I do when I win something. I was on a high.

I didn't have to wait long to chase that first high. Within a few more games I won $500 in the consolation game. I was on fire.

My mom you shoulda seen her. The epitome of proud.

If it wasn't for my sister bringing me back to earth, I woulda been looking for a podium to climb onto or a jumbotron to stare at.  But I kept it humble and just did my "Im rich beech" jig in my chair. (The old people were feeling this).

I won one more time and so did my mom when we returned for the evening session. I told the BFF we won nearly $2000 in three hours at Bingo and she said be 'careful, since I carry the gene'. LOL.

I sure do. I might have to quit my day job and make bingo a professional habit.

Sunday, September 26

Dita Does Distance

Some video insight on my foray into the world of middle distance! Good Times.
Have A Blessed Week,

Thursday, September 23

A Victory Report: Slow Twitch Edition

Yesterday I experienced something I have never felt before. I'm sure you've all heard of runner's high, some of you may have even experienced it.

I haven't.

But last night I am sure I felt its inferior and much slower cousin: Sprinter Runners High.

Yes, I went where few of my kind have ever gone before. I ran distance and I loved it!.

I hung out at the Nike Toronto Runners Lounge for Girl's Night Only. Last year I ran a 3k in 28:00. And in my second annual appearance my goal was to run that same distance but to set a new personal record.
They surprised me with signature "12.46" Nike Lunar Glides for the run
It was a great intimate group of focused women, ready to conquer the night.

I took off with the pack down Avenue Road and by the third set of lights they were mere dots in the foreground. Ah hell, there goes my drafting strategy. No matter. I stuck to my pace: Slowest.

Soon I let my body settle into a comfortable rhythm and I started to open up to my environment. I realized the neat thing about running or training on city streets is that people get to see you. There is something very African Lion Safari about it, no?
P. Felicien-Middle Distance (part time)-Bringing guilt to a windshield near you
See when I am training over the hurdles there is rarely an audience, certainly there are no oldies in a beat down SUV to impress. Honk Honk. I was beaming!.

But apparently my sprinter thighs weren't clearing the crosswalk fast enough. Oh. Suddenly I regretted making eye contact. Soooorie.

I rounded the corner home and felt euphoric that I wasn't bonking yet or even thinking of quitting. I did many times last year. I had to represent for stick jumpers everywhere. I couldn't stop, event pride was on the line. I started to think WWPRD. What would Paula Radcliffe do?.

Paula Radcliffe Marathon World Record Holder
She would kick, P!. She would sprint hard the last few metres and overtake everyone in her path. She would show mercy to no one!. So this is what you must do too. I took off. Within a few meters I passed a woman pushing a stroller. You're done. A man on a cell phone talking about nonsense. I swallowed his slow moving self in one stride. A dog walking his owner. Move pooch get out the way.

I was on fire. Cue Chariot's of fire music....

My final time was 23:52 minutes! Victory. And I found out that I didn't run what I thought was a 3k, my thunder thighs ran a whopping 4.1k.  Who knew I could do it. Go me.
Thank you ladies! And Paula, where ever you are
African Lion Safari, Runners High

Monday, September 20

Get Me Bodied

So why did I extend "Phat" week a whole extra week?!. Madness.  I'm gonna pay for it.

My plan was a week of out of controlness, then a transition week back to properish eating habits. And on the start of the third week (today. GASP!) I'd start eating like I had some sense.


But I'm gonna get back to the plan and it starts with hot yoga and some core later this afternoon. How do I feel about this?. Yawn.

But I gotta prime my body and can't lose 100% of my fitness. I'm nowhere near ready for serious training and need the mental rest for another two to four weeks. I never start training until I'm good and ready to face the rigors and demands of fall training. Which demands so much more because of the volume. I'll know I'm ready when I start to feel bored and miss the track, which is nowhere in sight.


I'll also get back to treatments this week, chiropractic and massage. All this laid up on the couch can't be be good for the spine.

Here's one of my fav core exercises I'll be doing today. Give it a try if you can do it safely and are well conditioned.

Have a Great Day! Dites 

Friday, September 10

Phat Week

In case you are wondering what has happened to me, not to worry I am still with you. I was just in a big black vortex called my off season. And I came to check up on ya for a hot minute before I go back to what I was doing...

Any guesses?!. It's not that hard.

Yup, the foodie in me has been sampling every calorie laden thing out there. I know I talk about food A LOT on this blog, but it's just in me to be!.

I got back from my five weeks abroad on Monday night and my mom and her hubby picked me up. It was a long trip and all I wanted was some home cooking when we got home. And Cathy did not disappoint, check it out...

I was giddy and the fat girl inside me went iiin!! Thank you mama! Stew chicken and rice--St. Lucia stand up!.

I have to say my off season is going to get a lot busier in the next few weeks. The most exciting part will be my trip to Mali in West Africa for a week with Right To Play. Words can't describe how crunk I am about this trip. I have been an Athlete Ambassador for a few years and this will be my first field visit and it is so over due, and to boot I have never been to Africa!.

I'll update again soon. I normally go buck (where food is concerned) for the whole off season, this year I've decided to go no holds barred but only for one week. Monday night is the last day... :(

Thirty changes things, ya know.

More pics from today the fourth day of phat week... Perdi xo

Sunday, September 5

Continental Cup Race

I was 3rd in 12.68 today in Split, I am glad to finish on the podium and be healthy!.

I have to give myself some credit for my race focus today. It was one of my best race preps all season, I came to the track all business. You couldn't tell me nothing. I haven't found that mental tunnel vision as much as I'd like this year.

I can't say this race was my best executed though. I had a horrendous reaction to the gun and had no acceleration until hurdle three. The second half was gang busters and I made a nice move to challenge Lolo and Sally at the line, but I had already given up too much ground. 

And being in lane two I had no idea how the race was unfolding on the other side of the track. I am still unsure if not being able to see them was good or bad.

I am not a sore loser but I must say today's race left me a bit raw. I just feel there is a huge piece of my race that was missing this season. And today in Split was a great way to end the season by finally putting 10 solid clearances together. I didn't again. 

Not being able to get the front end to match the back end drives the perfectionist virgo in me crassey!!. Why am I leaving myself so much work to do?! Ugh.
In any case just so you know, I'm glad to have some fire in my belly going into my off season. Not winning when I know I am capable won't destroy the belief I have in my ability. Confidence still lives here. That being said, I am tired of losing. 2011 bring yoself--Let's Go!.


Saturday, September 4

Continental Cup Pics

Today is the first day of the Continental Cup, I don't race until tomorrow so I get to be a spectator today. I'm a huge track fan so I'll just kick my feet up and cheer on Team Americas.

I had my final practice of the 2010 season yesterday (I know!) and it went very well. I did some starts over a few hurdles using the official starters, so I is ready to go!.

Here are some pics from earlier today.... Enjoy your weekend. P

Team Americas

My boy fellow Stick Jumper D.O
One of my fav persons ever Dr. Kesick AKA The Bur
Laverne, Debbie, Kelly, Shalonda, Nicole, Nicki and I
Superstar Tyson Gay and I
800m WR Holder David Rudisha!
Me and fellow hurdler Seun 
D.O being....D.O
Picture of the day: my man strolled through in his it!

Friday, September 3

Thirty is a 10

So Im still on the grind and trying to celebrate my Birthday week. Some fellow track starts got wind it was my P day on Sunday and vow to do it up with me Sunday night aftert World Cup. We’ll see.  I have to admit 30 is not as ‘woe is P’ as I played it out to be in my mind.

I’m days deep into this third decade of life and I'm not experiencing many of the unchartered things I imagined at this precise age.  I mean my joints aren’t squeaky, I can hear just fine and there is still no canary yellow on the ring finger.

All good.

I am settling nicely into this age and it doesn’t hurt that a lot of thirty somethings (+ some) have come to ease my uneasiness. To quote the legion of  flourishing thirty somethings I know…


...don't worry your hormones will be the same for another 20 years, trust me I know LOL,- Angie

Perdi Don't worry it all about the 30's not the 20's. Welcome to real womanhood. I think woman look tons better in the 30s. Its like 30s is when your looks and match equally with womanly wisdom and it a new hotness.- Tiff

I have to think that 30 is the next best thing to happen to me as I will hit it in about 6 months. You look great and will only continue to do so!! Thats my story and I am sticking to it!!!- Corinne

30 uh? You will only get better with age... - Kerri

30 is not that bad. Think of it as being wiser. -B my sister and my thirty something idol!

with knowledge, experience and enthusiasm combining, you may find yourself still a few years short of your peak. keep climbing - Robin

You're at that magical age where life will start to get easier, because you are getting better!  - Eric B.

Wednesday, September 1

Zagreb 2010

The race tonight in Zagreb came down to a lean, it was Lolo who got there first by a hundredth. It was cold out there tonight and the results across the board weren't outstanding.

I was glad to end the night healthy and was happy with such a competitive race. I stayed composed and engaged the whole race, which sets me up nicely for Sunday's Continental Cup.

My super dude Dr. Kelsick will be in Split and our dynamic duo can get the job done, I'm sure of it.

One more to go....and it's sorta a big deal!.

Zagreb Meeting IAAF World Challenge September 1, 2010 100mh

Croatia 2010

So the end of my 2010 season is just around the corner as I race tonight in Zagreb, Croatia and on Sunday in Split, Croatia (then home to Pickering on Monday!...but first things first). Lolo Jones and I will represent The Americas at the World Cup in Split, this is my first time qualifying for this team and I hear it's a championship with a much lighter atmosphere.

I tend to get antsy around this time of the season. The training is very simple and the days seem longer. It has been a long ten months of training and racing and at this stage it is easy for me to look ahead to all the things I will do during the off season. The free time to hang with my favorite people, guilt free eating, and the fun initiatives I get to continue with  my sponsors and partners.

So it's with great effort on my part and encouragement from others that I am not getting ahead of myself with two to go. My aim is to finish my season on a high note and know anything is possible. I would love a personal best, but based on the season I will be very happy to better my season's best time.

My season's fastest race 12. 58 in NYC beside Lolo Jones
So no holding back now or going through the motions, my intensity tonight and in Split have got to be like they were at seasons start. These two races will help build momentum for my 2011 season and the big one being the Worlds in South Korea.