I had to get myself mentally ready for Friday's workout. Two things were going to be a first:
1). I was going to attempt my race warm up and this was a huge milestone. It is the one I use for fast sprinting days and competition. I have a series of warm ups that I use based on the intensity and demand of the workout session, each days is prescribed by my coach 'Gdub'. However being a pupil of his for almost 9 years, I on occasion have reserved the right to pick another one of his warmups all together. 'Gdub' has been known to grumble over this or send a few words my way, but its usually a lateral change on my part, so overall he knows I still get the job done.
2). Many of my workouts had been split between softer grass or football turf and then the harder track surface. However, Friday called for nothing but Mondo.
I was excited and curious about how I would feel, but also confident that I was going to be fine. I had taken my time and made the call knowing I was at the place where I could withstand the impact. All part of the highly successful "Phasing in Perdita Project".
To quote Tony the Tiger the race day warm up was Grrreat!
Well for the most part, the routine is a series of 8-10 exercises done up and down the track for 50m. Three routines in to it, I totally forgot what to do next. A routine I could perform with my eyes closed and did atleast three times a week for years was forgotten in months. In my excitement of the milestone I completely forgot to look up the routine or ask G' for a refresher on what it all entailed.
But really, I didn't know I would draw a blank on what to do. I mean had it been that long?!
Stumped and wanting to maintain my heart rate I improvised using a couple comparable components from other warm ups. Hoping for the first time back I could get away with this mix n' match of a warm up. I made a note to look up the real one over the weekend.
Yeah Weekends
Being back to a routine I am more accostomed to, means my weekends are precious. I work really hard during the week and try to have fun on the weekend. I still exercise on Saturday and Sunday but it is "Active Recovery", meaning I do light physical exercise and not necessarily track based.
I can do it on my own without my coach present and it usually takes a fraction of the time a week day workout takes. Bike, pool, long walks on the beach in Tahiti (ya right), etc. But honestly, the road I have been on the last seven months I am so over swimming pools and if I ever see another stationary bike...
Friday Nights
By the time Friday practice ends I'm usually suffering from vertigo as I run to my Subaru. The thought of 48 hours worth of being a real person entices me! No: "Perdita: girl in tights, no 'Eau de Tiger Balm' and no pooling lactic acid!
Friday night I feel like a convict escaped from jail, constantly afraid that the bang on my door is my coach coming to take me back. I exhibit all the tell tale signs of fugitive: turning off all the lights, peeking out the window, startled by everyday noises, placing the phone off the hook, huddled in my attic.
Forgive my artistic liscense here, but it just feels like that.
Happy 10th Birthday NTO!
So this Friday I went to an event hosted by my sponsor Nike. It was the 10th anniversary celebration of "NTO" or the flagship Nike store located in downtown Toronto. It was a private gala held at the store and was by invitation only, so glad they let me in! Phew. I brought along a couple friends and my younger sis "Mini".
The turn out was wonderful and leave it to Nike to put on a show like that in such a unique space. It was fun to be around the entire brand family, see some great product and mingle and two step the night away. I did infact hear my jam, "Smack That" by Akon, and I had to put down my double shot of OJ and stomp it down, right beside some Air Force Ones.
I must have looked crazy out on the dance floor by myself. Either that or a hurdler who did her race warm up sucessfully a few hours early, for the first time in months!
The Terry Fox Run
Sunday was also special for me because I was in my hometown of "P-town" AKA Pickering, ON. Everyone knows that I am a chick in love with her town and any oppurtunity to be there I take. I have been so embraced and supported by my community, they cheer me on win or lose and I love them for it!
Sunday was the annual Terry Fox Run, to raise funds for cancer research. I was there with the Mayor of Pickering Dave Ryan and other members of city council. Kevin & Co. did an excellent job at organizing, thanks for having me back again.
It was cool to also be there with Wayne Arthurs MPP, whose wife Susan was my first track coach in grade four at Glengrove P.S. I had never heard of track and field but was the only student in her grade three gym class to earn the excellence level for Canada Fitness. Mrs. Arthurs nurtured my talents and encouraged me to try out for the track team when I would be old enough the following year.
The rain held off and the crowd was a dedicated bunch. I spoke to the need to find a cure for this disease that has affected everyone some way, some how. For us as a nation never to forget Terry's will and the treasure that he is and to use him as an inspiration for life.
My mother was present and it was nice because she can't always make my appearances, glad she didn't miss such a important one.
I spent Sunday with my entire family as we celebrated my brothers birthday and his girlfriends too.
Happy Birthday "SnS"!
Guess what mama cooked? My favourite: Oxtail! My mom is a fantastic cook, she doesn't do it often, she'll admit--but when she does, Oh my lanta! Now I can't wait for Monday to burn it all off.
I played hard, now another week to work hard.
I think I hear the bounty hunters coming. ;-)