The whole night I could hardly sleep knowing what awaited me, I was going to make oatmeal (as I do every morning). But-- Saturday's oatmeal was going to be very very different. After years of only adding my staple flavors of Vanilla Bean or Cookies and Cream I decided to switch it up a little. And introduce my taste buds to a whole new world of flavorful fun. Enter: Peanut Butter Chocolate.
No really SWEET, as in Peanut butter chocolate and oatmeal should never ever merge. It could just be that I got N.P.F.H (new-protein-flavor-happy) and added too much to my bowl, but I'm thinking the intensity of it all was too much for this palate or any human palate.
Take it from me, don't try this at home.
So not the start I had imagined, but definitely the next item on the agenda would go as planned. My 2000m tempo workout on my own in a couple hours!
However sometime after shoveling too sweet, too thick oatmeal down my throat and relaxing on the coach my lower legs started to feel 'tight'. If you are a world class sprinter, you know what I mean. Right! Calf, soleus, tibialis anterior, posterior, the whole compartment just felt restricted.
See you've been there.
Anyhoo, I tried to walk it off, do some self massage, but to no avail, leg was bugging. I don't like to skip workouts, especially since today's was on the honor system. But from where I'm coming from, if I so much as feel the onset of pins and needles--Bye--I'm calling it a day!
And so I did. Instead I went to see my masseuse and iced.
The next order of business was to stretch, do my exercises, eat a light lunch and watch the Reebok meet live on NBC. (Simultaneously where applicable).
I grabbed my stretching rope, turned the TV on to catch the meet and also grabbed a bag of my sweet potato chips, just to nibble on a few before I made lunch during a commercial.
How about the next thing I knew an hour or so into the broadcast Tyson Gay had run 19.5 in the 200m and I was staring into the empty bottom of a 200g bag of chips, with stretching rope untouched beside.
What kinda Saturday is this...Clearly I have some different plans for Sunday.