Friday, September 3

Thirty is a 10

So Im still on the grind and trying to celebrate my Birthday week. Some fellow track starts got wind it was my P day on Sunday and vow to do it up with me Sunday night aftert World Cup. We’ll see.  I have to admit 30 is not as ‘woe is P’ as I played it out to be in my mind.

I’m days deep into this third decade of life and I'm not experiencing many of the unchartered things I imagined at this precise age.  I mean my joints aren’t squeaky, I can hear just fine and there is still no canary yellow on the ring finger.

All good.

I am settling nicely into this age and it doesn’t hurt that a lot of thirty somethings (+ some) have come to ease my uneasiness. To quote the legion of  flourishing thirty somethings I know…


...don't worry your hormones will be the same for another 20 years, trust me I know LOL,- Angie

Perdi Don't worry it all about the 30's not the 20's. Welcome to real womanhood. I think woman look tons better in the 30s. Its like 30s is when your looks and match equally with womanly wisdom and it a new hotness.- Tiff

I have to think that 30 is the next best thing to happen to me as I will hit it in about 6 months. You look great and will only continue to do so!! Thats my story and I am sticking to it!!!- Corinne

30 uh? You will only get better with age... - Kerri

30 is not that bad. Think of it as being wiser. -B my sister and my thirty something idol!

with knowledge, experience and enthusiasm combining, you may find yourself still a few years short of your peak. keep climbing - Robin

You're at that magical age where life will start to get easier, because you are getting better!  - Eric B.


Anonymous said...

:O) It's just a number "P-Ditty".

BTW, (Still working on that Canary Yellow for you. This gumball machine is stingy! Hang on...I ran out of quarters!) Haha!

Perdita said...

BAHAHA you got jokes on here huh. I don't want no gumball machine canary! There must be some cheap in you. :)